I’ve been bitten by the Rotisserie bug the Winter & skewers are a short leap in my mind. Tonight’s “masterpiece” (and I don’t say that often) was:
Spanish Style Pork Kabobs – Barbacoa de estilo español featuring pork tenderloin in a flavorful Spanish marinade. Recipe called for two hours of marinating. Life got in the way and it ended up to be 26 hours of marinating and I thought dinner was DOOMED. I rolled the dice and grilled them on my Weber Jumbo Joe on the back steps for about 7-minutes total and in the heat of the moment I neglected to photo document the skewers. WHAT A ROOKY! I had to settle for a photo of leftovers.
STIR FRIED CAULI RICE. Hand grated cauliflower for a last minute stir-fried “rice” with bacon (everything’s better with bacon) onion, garlic, cherry tomatoes and cilantro.
This looks delicious!