Greek Shrimp with Tomatoes and Feta Cheese

Sometimes the pantry and freezer are a cooks best friends. Last night proved that point once again .  With no fresh ingredients that caught my creativity I was in a culinary panic. Hey, there’s a bag of 16/20 shell-on shrimp in the freezer.

I always had a soft spot for the famous Greek Shrimp at Jimmy’s Harborside Restaurant on the Boston waterfront (the restaurant has since been torn down and replaced by a Legal Seafoods).  They called  it  “Shrimp a La Greque”,  a  dish with a Greek influenced tomato sauce and Feta cheese.

Oh yes, Google is another hero for this meal. Again.

Based on Williams-Sonoma
GREEK SHRIMP with Tomatoes & Cheese


I looked at the recipe, assessed the ingredients on hand and this is how I put it together for two of us:

I sautéed finely chopped shallots and garlic in olive oil, added some dry/white vermouth (its always in the booz closet cupboard) and let it reduce down a bit. Added 10-12 halved cherry tomatoes and cooked until they softened. Added 14-ounce can Wegmans Roasted diced tomatoes, dried oregano, salt, red pepper flakes and a good paprika (I prefer Pimenton De LA VERA from Amazon), then some feta cheese, crumbled, and 20 raw shelled shrimp.  Covered the pan to gently simmer the shrimp until done.

I Spirialized zucchini (you know, ZOODLES) and lightly sautéed them in olive oil with garlic & roasted red peppers and topped them with the Shrimp and sauce.

A couple pieces of Garlic Toast and an excellent fast dinner that looked like I knew what I was doing.


(belated) Valentines Day Dessert Report


Valentines Crepes

Just because I might be a Geek du Food I do have and use a crepe pan. The only thing it’s ever been used for is Crepes. But this time I was lazy  or maybe life got busy. Anyway it was highly suggested that I go to Trader Joes to pick up a few goodies for my daughter on Valentines Day. Specifically a box of frozen crepes and some strawberries, oh and some roses.  (Don’t tell anyone but I work for Wegmans). Coincidently  the chocolate chips and strawberries weren’t far form the crepe display. The cost of the small box? I really don’t know they must have been reasonable, but this was just like the last minute Christmas shopping I’ve done when price doesn’t matter. The package directions say Microwave blah, blah, blah, or in oven for 8 minutes. DON’T MICROWAVE. I popped them in the toaster oven and they browned nicely with zero effort.



That little warmer that came with the Crock Pot we bought years ago was still kicking around ( although I couldn’t find the cover for it) was perfect to melt the chocolate chips.

All in all it took twenty minutes of very little effort to put this tasty dessert together that made me look like a hero.

Test Survey

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Dinner Tonight

Dinner Tonight

Dinner tonight was amazing. One of my recipe sources is “Mr Skewer” on YouTube. https://youtu.be/R2nV04O_mc8

I’ve been bitten by the Rotisserie bug the Winter & skewers are a short leap in my mind. Tonight’s “masterpiece” (and I don’t say that often) was:
Spanish Style Pork Kabobs – Barbacoa de estilo español featuring pork tenderloin in a flavorful Spanish marinade. Recipe called for two hours of marinating. Life got in the way and it ended up to be 26 hours of marinating and I thought dinner was DOOMED. I rolled the dice and grilled them on my Weber Jumbo Joe on the back steps for about 7-minutes total and in the heat of the moment I neglected to photo document the skewers. WHAT A ROOKY! I had to settle for a photo of leftovers.

STIR FRIED CAULI RICE. Hand grated cauliflower for a last minute stir-fried “rice” with bacon (everything’s better with bacon) onion, garlic, cherry tomatoes and cilantro.